Friday, August 22, 2008

Officially Washingtonians!

Last week both Dustin and I finally got our drivers' license and WA license plates on our cars.

Dustin's truck's tabs had expired 8 months ago. A new record. He usually takes care of it at least within 6 months AFTER they've expired. He's managed to miraculously NOT get pulled over or have his truck impounded during that time.

On our way back home from the Department of Licensing, we may have been the cause, albeit unintentionally, that the driver of the car in front of us got pulled over.

It started out with us talking about how happy we were to have finally taken care of it and how we didn't have to worry about getting pulled over anymore. Then Dustin noticed that the yellow truck in front of us had its tabs expired since March 2007. That's a year and five months! We must have been pointing at the truck because the police car right next to us sure noticed and pulled over the yellow truck a few minutes later. Point taken!

We both agreed that we liked our UT driver's licenses better. The Washington ones look cheap, as if they were a gym membership card or something. Plus, we look about 30 pounds heavier than our already chubby selves. Cheap camera! On the bright side, I did lose 4 pounds recently and was happy to update that on mine :)

1 comment:

Juliana said...

Vocês moram em WA? O meu marido é de lá. Os pais dele moram em uma ilha pequena que fica a mais ou menos 1h e 30min de Seattle. Vamos para lá todo o Natal. Inclusive já compramos a pssagem para o Natal deste ano. :o)
Obrigada por estar participando do giveaway! :o)