Saturday, February 14, 2009

Candy is Dandy

Happy Valentine's Everyone. We've sort of been boycotting Valentine's day for years now. At least in the commercial sense. It started out innocently enough. We tried to go out and have a good ol' time on Valentine's day only to be met with crowded restaurants, traffic and sold out signs at the theaters, concerts, and games. Plus they jack up the price for roses and candy {I'm talking chocolate truffles here}. We must've had fun 'cause afterwards we were broke ... you would think. In the end, the best {and cheapest} way to say "I love you" is saying it ...

Tonight we'll avoid the crowds and celebrate a quiet Valentine's day at home with pizza and a movie. Come March we'll splurge on something fun for our anniversary.

Ian was asked to bring one Valentine for each of his preschool classmates. Weird to me that this romantic holiday is for kids, too, but according to Dusty, kids really get a kick out of it. Poor Ian, his mom is the least crafty person in the world. I already feel bad that his preschool bag is not decorated like the other kids' in his class (unless you consider a muddy footprint at the bottom decoration). So I wanted to get this right.

"Dumb question, what's a valentine?" I asked Dusty

"For kids, it's a valentine's card with some candy in it ... that's what we used to do when we were little." He told me.

Wednesday morning, the day of Ian's preschool party, Dustin is all:

"So you know what to look for right? A pack of valentine cards for kids with candy in it" Trying to make sure I don't screw this up for Ian.

"Got it" I said.

I get to Freddy (Fred Meyer) and 30 minutes later, I still can't find this thing. I did find some valentine cards with a monkey on the front and thought it'd be appropriate - but it came with no candy.

Later I call Dusty at work:

"They were all out of the cards with candy, so I bought some without, do you think that's enough?"

"Oohh, I guess we would buy the candy separate and then put them in the envelope" He says.

Duh. {rolling my eyes} I guess I could've thought of that. It was too early to think straight {10 am} ...

At this point, we're already running a little late. I find a Rite Aid on the way to the preschool, run in, buy some candy, run outside only to find out Ian had swiped a shiny yellow car from the store when I wasn't looking {he showed me the car with a big grin on his face - lol} run back in to return the toy car. Back to our CRV ... we made it. Phew.

That day, Ian came home with a bag full of valentine cards and candy - one from each of his little friends. I helped him open and read each one. It gives me an idea of what to do for him next year.


Fisher Family said...

Oi Semi, eu acho ridiculo os precos das flores no Valentine's Day, aqui as flores que voce geralmente compra por $20.00 ontem estavam por $60.00 loucura ne?!

Para evitar a espera nos restaurantes eu e o Taylor fomos comer na Kneaders e assistir um filme no Dollar Theater a 1:30 p.m. Adivinha qual filme?

"Twilight", eu queria que o Taylor assistindo comigo, acho que ele quase dormiu no filme e depois ficou mais uma hora falando do bad acting da Bella.

Mas no geral eu gostei bastante. Qual filme voces alugaram? Beijinhos...

Daniele said...

Happy Valentine's to you, too! Eu tambem nao gosto da comercializacao do Valentines. Fomos no supermercado ontem e as flores estavam $40 ou $60 pelo bouquet. Um absurdo!

Aproveitamos pra dar um voltinha de carro. Depois fomos comer no Su Casa (um dos restaurantes por aqui que nao fica lotado no Valentine's porque nao eh fancy enough). Mas foi bacana, comemos e depois compramos um Sundae no McD's pra dessert e alugamos um filminho.

Juliana said...

Nossa Se, eu nem quero imaginar quando o Chris começar com essas coisinhas na escola. Acho legal que eles fazem essas coisas aqui, mas nem sei como e nem o que fazer.
Eu e o Nathan também fugimos um pouco do Valentines. Nós tivemos o nosso na sexta e foi bem mais tranquilo. Uma vez ficamos 2 horas esperando por uma mesa no Olive Garden, e depois disso nunca mais!

Cecilia said...

Concordo com voce Semi, mas mesmo assim resolvemos sair para jantar e depois fomos no cinema. Foi bem divertido!

Voce eh uma das minhas.... 10 am is too early to think

Que bom que deu tudo certo no final :)